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We made it a year, and I've finally written my birth story.

As the birth of my girls approaches, it brings back many memories. Some of which are hard to share. I have been thinking about everything th...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Traveling Tips With the Littles

Oh my, where do I even start. By now, we've taken the kiddos on a few trips and I've learned a few things along the way. Whether it's a short camping trip, traveling several hours to see family, or a trip half-way across the country, I've compiled some trips for you.

For the first trip I recommend a shorter practice type run. We chose to go on a camping trip about an hour away, that way worse case scenario home wasn't too far. If you're going camping, make sure you bring the basic sunscreen and bug repellent (they make some excellent deet free kind you can pick up at Sprouts, or natural type stores). You can buy kid sized camping chairs and even little head lamps that are fun for them at night. Try and get somewhere near the shade to get them out of the sun for a bit.

Traveling Tips:
1. Make a list of must haves for your childs specific needs (medicines, etc)
2. Snacks, LOTS OF SNACKS! This is important because hungry children in a car are never a good time.
3. A cooler full of drinks. People tend to get dehydrated on long trips so make sure to have water on hand.
4. You can save money by packing lunches to have along the way, and it saves time so you don't have to stop somewhere.
5. Run to the dollar store and grab some cheap toys that will be new to them and keep them entertained (we grabbed a little doodler and some other random toys).
6. My favorite item to have on hand is a cookie sheet for each child. Doesn't need to be anything special and is so useful! They can use it as a tray to eat their lunch on, hold coloring book and other toys. I bought my kids some magnets and they used them to cling on the cookie tray.
7. If your kids are potty training go on Amazon, they have potty chairs that you can use right in the car. They come with disposable bags. So if you're kids don't like gas station bathrooms, or you just can't make it to a place in time, these are very handy. https://www.amazon.com/Potette-Training-Toddler-Travel-Toilet/dp/B0187ZQWSI/ref=sr_1_6_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522095554&sr=8-6&keywords=travel+potty+chair+for+toddler&dpID=61Bq5rLIKTL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
8. Of course there are always books and electronic devices for trips (but I keep the electronics for a last resort).
9. Plan out your route ahead of time, searching in the middle of the night for a place to stay is stressful. Know that it will always take longer when traveling with kids.
10. No matter what there will always be the unexpected. Try not to be in a rush and make the trip more of a memory.
11. If possible stop along the way at fun places to get out and stretch everyone's legs. We found every 4 hours or so worked best for our family.

Remember, depending on the age it can be hard on kids. To be on the safe side I would expect them to not be quite themselves when they get there (if it's been a long journey). They may be rambunctious when you finally arrive and guessing that their schedule is off don't expect them to be on their best behavior (especially if there are time changes). This is all new for them. My girls did great when we split up a 10 hour trip into two 5 hour days. Anything more then that and it was a little chaotic. Get me out of this seat mom!! If they aren't quite themselves I would say that's normal and just enjoy your time together.

The stress of being a parent

It is truly great being a mother. It's funny how you don't realize how incomplete your life is until you have children. Don't get me wrong, I loved my life and was very happy before. I was just unaware of how much greater life is with kids. Sure, it's challenging sometimes, but there is so much more love. Having tiny ones to take care of gives life much more meaning.

When you have a newborn, or two in my case, it feels like life gets flipped upside down-chaos. There is so much changing and it is a bit of a whirlwind. So much to do, so little sleep. It takes awhile to figure out what works best for you and to get into your rhythm. That first year truly was a bit of a blur looking back. It's tough being a new parent. Especially in these times. You have doctors/nurses telling you what you have to do, friends and family opinions. They all mean well. When you add in the internet it all becomes a bit overwhelming.

You just want to do what's best for your littles. I feel like there is almost too much information now a days. Everyone has strong opinions about everything and no matter what you do it seems someone else will think you are wrong. It's scary sometimes being responsible for another life. Everything has sever consequences of course too. You know if you feed them x,y,z it can lead to cancer or diabetes for them down the road. If you give x vaccine/don't give the vaccine it could be fatal. You can't just buy any old shampoo, vitamin, toy because it may have some dangerous material/ingredients. Trying to research through all that and make the best choice you can, knowing someone will say something, its a bit stressful. Just look at all the bashing over how you feed your kids, whether you breastfeed or use formula. We need to judge less and offer support more.

My point is, take it one day at a time. Enjoy this precious life. Most importantly, you are the mother, you are doing the best you can, and no matter what you choose, you are choosing what you think is best for your children. So don't feel bad for your decisions and don't question yourself. These are your kids and your life, no one else's. What works for them is great, but that doesn't mean you have to do things their way. Trust your judgment, do your thing, and enjoy your children. If it bothers people that much they can move along and out of our future. This is our life to live and as for me, I won't spend it on negative, judgy people.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Swim time!

I can't believe it! Where has the time gone. I can't believe my little babes are already two years old! Time has certainly been flying by. One of the fun things the girls got for their birthdays (thank you Grandma and Grandpa) are swimming lessons. It has been a blast so far. The pool is indoors and heated so it doesn't matter what the weather is like and they have so much fun. Of course, having twins, this is not something I recommend a mom of multiples to do alone at this age. My husband comes and we switch each class who has which girl, so we both get time with each of them.

They have a class for babies, the toddler one my girls are in, and one after (they have to be three) and it teaches them to actually swim. The class for babies is to get them used to being in the water and to have fun. The toddler one is about teaching them the skills they will need to use later to learn to swim. We do fun activities, singing songs, blowing bubbles, etc. BUT it also teaches them to reach forward, kick their legs, work their arms and get used to going under water. The two biggest skills for them right now, in my opinion, is learning to float (they hate this) and getting in and out of the pool.

To teach them how to float, we have them put the backs of their heads on our shoulders and look up, with their feet out, in a floating position. It appears kids are either okay with it, or like mine, they resist. Each class seems to get a little better.

The other big skill is having them climb out of the pool, ask if they can get in. and their favorite, jumping back in. So far, I get "mommy pool" as they try to jump and I catch them. I make sure they get a big splash as I bring them into the water and they think its just the greatest. This is their favorite and they get so excited over it. Every class they have gotten a little more daring.

I've had people ask why I was teaching them so young to swim. That they were so little. I feel it is never too early to learn to swim. In fact, if things had worked out differently last year, I would have started them then. Not only do they have a blast and look forward to their time in the pool, but they are learning a very important life skill. Every summer growing up in Arizona, I would see babies drowning in pools. Now in the Midwest I see the same issues with ponds and lakes. People think, the doors are locked, I have a fence, everything is fine. Yet the toddlers manage to get out regardless, and in that split second things can happen. So yes, I intend to teach my kids to be able to float, climb out, and one day soon, swim. Give them the skills they need to at least make an attempt to wait for help. If you haven't seen the videos of babies dropping into a pool and knowing how to flip over and float until safety arrives you should check it out. While no one ever wants their kid in that sort of situation, it doesn't hurt to teach them.

 The hardest part is getting them changed. Sure you can put them in their swim suits, but as mine aren't completely potty trained yet, they still need swim diapers. Swim diapers hold poo but not pee, so I don't put those on them until we get there. If we can catch the family rest room it works out great because Adam and I can take the girls in together to get them ready. The times I have to take both slippery girls back to the locker room and try and get them changed myself can be challenging. I like to get them out of their swim suits right away and dry, but I have to keep my swim suit from dripping water onto their dry clothes. Trying to keep them both by me while we all get changed, keep their dry clothes dry, keep them from slipping, all in a new environment can be interesting, but it gets easier. In the locker room they want to explore around the corners, say hi to everyone and check everything out; which is fine, except the door to the pool is just a push open, and I constantly have to make sure they don't sneak towards it. Hence why I tend to make my life easier and just wait out the family room. I am sure as they get older and can start getting dressed themselves it will get easier. But right now I prefer not to have my half dressed babies trying to run around the locker room.

Even with the challenges of getting them changed after class, I would completely recommend teaching your kids to swim. It's never too early and they will have a blast!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Win Money & Lose Weight

Hey all.
So I thought I would pass some information your way. If you go to www.bodybuilding.com you can sign up to win up to $250k for your weight loss journey. Some of the lower prizes are still 10k. Shoot I would be happy with no money at all and just feeling more amazing, but if you are planning to work out why not give it a try? You'll be losing weight any ways right? Besides, a little extra motivation never hurt anyone.

It is free (I just signed up myself). All you have to do is join bodybuilding.com, go to the transformation challenge and click register  http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/transformation-challenge.html  , and upload your before pictures (showing the date). If you think you may want to try this do it soon because there are only a few days left to register for the transformation challenge.

If you would like to follow my transformation friend me - dmblsnstrollers - just be sure to put in the friend request comments who you are. I'd love to see your transformations!

Good luck!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Looking for a new challenge?

Ahh it is time again for New Years resolutions. As I have said before, any weight loss changes really needs to be a lifestyle change. That being said, if you are looking to make that change, I have a new challenge for you this month.

I decided for the first month to start out with something simple. If you are already hitting the gym this probably won't be for you. This will be for someone just starting their journey toward a healthier life. As the months progress we will make it more challenging.

For this month we will be focusing on toning your upper body, lower body, and core. The first week we will be doing 10 squats, 10 push-ups (if you need to start on your knees that is okay. If that is too hard start with your hands on a wall and angle your feet back a couple steps. Eventually you will be ready to move to the ground), and either 10 crunches OR hold a plank as long as you can. Do these every day. The second week will be 20 of each of these every day, the third week 30 and so on. When you get further on you can separate them out if you want and do 20 in the morning, 20 at night, or however you can get them done. Just get up and get moving. Make this your minimum goals for the month.

Be sure to take before pictures. That way, at the end of every month, you can take a new picture to see your progress. I would recommend taking your measurements, or checking how your jeans fit, instead of using a scale to asses your achievements as water weight etc can effect the scale on a daily basis. If you do use the scale, don't check it every day. I would recommend every two weeks, but knowing most people can't wait that long, I would say no more then once a week, at the same general time of day.

If you decide to try this challenge I would love to hear back from you. Let us all know how it went for you, share you stories in the comments below. What would you like our challenge to focus on next month?

An extra Bonus:
Now, if you really want to start off your month with a bang, the first week you start your challenge try a liver cleanse. (I do not recommend trying this until you are 100% done breastfeeding as I do not know the affects it would have on that and am waiting myself) I know people who do this once a year and have had great results. This isn't a way to lose weight (although I've heard 10-20 pounds lost that week). It is a way to kick start a healthy life. It helps cleanse your body of toxins and should make you feel better. The one my husband is doing is called Dr. Groups 6 day liver cleanse.

You may want to check with your doctor about this if you have any health concerns, but if you decide to try this portion we found it on Amazon and had the product 2 days later. There is a diet you need to do with the cleanse. If you can't find it on google let me know and I will try to get you the information you need. I will try and update you all as his week progresses. That along with our new challenge for the month should have us headed in the right direction.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas shenanigans

When people tell you time flies, it really does when you have kids. I always say I am going to start my Christmas shopping early, be ahead of the game, and done in no time. Of course, the procrastinator in me didn't allow that to happen, again. Gets me every time. I did try though this year, but things blur by and the next thing you know Christmas is here. In fact, this year was a bit embarrassing I must admit. I knew I was a bit behind, but I thought I still had time.

I had gone on Pinterest and came up with cute ideas for gifts this year. I know most people just buy what they want anyways at my age, so I thought they would like something a little more special this year. Well, as we all know, Pinterest ideas can go one of two ways, a fabulous idea that will likely be repeated, or lets not try that EVER again. I chose to do ornaments with the girls hand prints on them. Cute idea right? I'm sure it could have been cute. I mean they did turn out okay, but I would definitely make some changes before I recommend it to anyone else. You see, we got a little gutsy and decided to use kid friendly glue for the handprint and glitter over it. Having one little hand print on an ornament would be difficult I'm sure. Trying to get your little tot to open their hand, not smear it on the ornament, themselves, or you can be a bit tricky. With twins it's even harder. I may have gotten one twins hand on the ornament perfectly, but then to get the other to cooperate on that same ornament? Not likely. We made a bit of a production of it. We did all hand prints of one childs, let them dry and went back later and did the other childs. If I had to do it again, I would have went with paint. Or as my husband suggested, traced their hands and then replicated it ourselves on the bulbs. That would take the fun out of it though right? Let's just say Adam and I finally completed this project about an hour before we had to be at our families Christmas Eve party.

Somehow I had been off a week. I thought Christmas was the following week. Up until the weekend before, when my Dad who was going out of town mentioned his flight. "What do you mean? I thought you left next week." I had said. "Katie, Christmas is this weekend." Eeee welp I certainly screwed that one up (I can't be the only one who has done this right?) Adams present was ordered the following day (thank you Amazon Prime) as were a few others. Thankfully I had actually been done with the girls shopping and just had to wrap it up.

Even with all the chaos that last week, flying around trying to get everything finished up for Christmas, it was a great one. The girls were just old enough to realize they got new toys to play with. Maybe not the entire Christmas idea, but they had a blast. We got them a little kitchen and a princess tent with some other smaller things. Most of it they will share anyways at this age. Personally I think they would be happy with just about anything. Don't stress Christmas shopping especially when they are young. They would be just as happy playing with the boxes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Katies Low Cal BBQ Chicken Pizza

I'm sure you are thinking, low calorie pizza? No way Katie! Tell me more! The entire crust of this pizza is only 435 calories! That's about the same as ONE SLICE of a normal pizza! So here it is. The dough is made out of cauliflower. I know that sounds strange, but I promise it's actually really delicious. I've even had friends ask me just to make the dough for a snack because it tastes so good. You would never think it was cauliflower. Trust me on this. I will list out all the ingredients you will need for the dough and toppings. You can always alter it later on with whatever toppings and sauces you like, but this is one of my favorites.

1 cup cooked, riced cauliflower
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 egg
1 clove fresh chopped garlic
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp olive oil
2 bonless skinless chicken breasts (approx 6 oz)
3/4 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (I am partial to a mix of KC Masterpiece and Sweet Baby Rays)
1 sliced yellow bell pepper
1 sliced red bell pepper
1 c fresh sliced mushrooms
1 can chopped, pitted black olives
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 1/2 tsp chopped parsley

To rice the cauliflower take 1 large fresh head of cauliflower, remove stems and leaves and chop (by cheese grater or food processor, DO NOT make into a paste). Place in a medium sized bowl and microwave 1 cup for 8 minutes into the microwave (the rest of the cauliflower, one head makes about 3 cups, can be saved for future crusts). Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Use a pizza or cookie pan and spray with olive oil or non stick cooking spray. Use this time to take your boneless skinless chicken and cut into small bite sized pieces. Place in a sauté pan at medium heat and cover (stir periodically to keep from burning). When the cauliflower is done cooking use the same bowl and add 1 egg and mix together thoroughly. Add 1 cup mozzarella cheese, garlic, garlic salt, oregano, and olive oil. Mix well. Scoop the mixture onto you pre-sprayed cookie sheet. Using your hands flatten the "dough" into about a 9inch area (should be pretty thin). Place in the oven for 13-15 minutes depending on how crispy you like it. While this is cooking remove lid from your chicken and cook off extra water in the pan (should be only a minute or so). Once the water has evaporated add 1/2 a bottle of your BBQ sauce and re-cover. Slice mushrooms and peppers, and chop olives. When your crust has finished cooking add the remainder of BBQ sauce (use your judgment on how much sauce you prefer) and spread over crust. Add cooked chicken, olives, peppers, and mushrooms over your pizza. Spread sharp cheddar cheese and the remainder of the mozzarella on the top and place back in the oven for approx 3 minutes or until cheese has melted. When it has finished in the oven sprinkle the chopped parsley over the pizza and you are done!
 The picture here is the first one I ever made, and unfortunately not the prettiest so I will have to take a better one for you all to see with step by step instructions when I have more time. For now this will have to do.